A tree can provide many ecological and economic benefits. How much benefit do the hundreds of trees on the Kapi’olani Community College campus provide?
A new service-learning project seeks to find out. The project entails inventorying all the trees on campus: identifying species and taking measurements. (Later, that information will be entered in a database/map, which calculates benefits.)
Join us for our first tree inventory session on Weds., Sept. 27, 8:30-11:00 a.m., at Makahiapo (Great Lawn). We will meet at the black metal tables/chairs near Koki’o Building and then circle the perimeter of the lawn. Look for us in yellow shirts. Stay as long or as short as you’d like.
Although the project is geared for students, especially service-learners, all members of the campus community are welcome to join. For more information, see the project flyer.
Besides beauty, what benefits does this tree provide? Join us and find out.