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Research is the act of learning and telling stories about the world around us. This semester, faculty advisors and their students wove themselves into research projects inspired by the ka’ao framework, an organizational storytelling framework formed by Taupōuri Tangarō.

Kūlia Scholars: Wednesday, May 3, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm @ Lama Library
Advisor: Beau Ewan, Aaron Hanai, Lisa Miller, Dawn Oshiro, and John Rader

💞 Kūlia scholars investigated where traditional Hawaiian tattoos (kākau) and math intersect, how mo’olelo can aid in plant conservation, why sharing college experiences of Native Hawaiian students is important, how  robots can help remove invasive algae in Maunalua Bay, and what can colleges do to mitigate sleep disorders in college students. (click on the flyer for titles)

Eng 100 Kaʻao Presentations: Monday, May 1 to Wednesday, May 3
@ Virtual & Lama Library (click the flyer for times)
Advisor: David Uedoi

💞 In David Uedoi’s Eng 100 class, students used the ka’ao framework to explore issues surrounding financial and personal challenges in college preparation, cultural disagreements, drug abuse, and harm reduction to advocate for change in their communities.

Event Info, Sign-in, and Agenda:

🎉Congratulations to David Uedoi, Beau Ewan, Aaron Hanai, Lisa Miller, Dawn Oshiro, and John Rader for their willingness to try new things with their students (and getting a little lost in the process)! And mahalo to the Title III Kulia: Advancing Indigenous Scholars for Success grant for the opportunity.

Contact: Li-Anne Delavega at