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One of our amazing students, Hannah Landry, is conducting a survey on endometriosis. Please help by taking a few minutes to fill out the survey and/or sending it to your students, colleagues at other campuses, friends, and family. She will share her results at SURF!

Aloha kākou,

My name is Hannah Landry and I am a second-year student under the University of Hawaiʻi system. I am currently researching endometriosis, a female reproductive tissue disease that affects 6-10% of women around the world.


There is no known cause of endometriosis, which makes it an idiopathic disease. Endometriosis is not life-threatening, but can cause extreme discomfort and infertility. It also can cause extremely heavy flow during menstruation, pain when going to the restroom, early or late menstrual periods, short menstrual periods, nausea, and can even be linked to anxiety and depression in some cases. Although it was discovered centuries ago, there is not much known about endometriosis. As research on the disease advances, methods of diagnosis and treatment can be optimized.

What does this research mean to me?

To me personally, this topic bears a great importance. My mother was diagnosed with endometriosis, and had a hysterectomy as a result. Now, a year after her hysterectomy, she is still dealing with symptoms.

Several of my friends and coworkers also struggle with endometriosis. Many people around us in our everyday lives may also experience endometriosis- whether they are aware of it or not. I strive to contribute to the research of endometriosis so that individuals can get diagnosed earlier and treated sooner, less invasively, and more effectively.

The purpose of this research is to survey for signs of endometriosis and general knowledge of the disease among individuals living in Hawaiʻi.

What will you do as a participant?

You will be able to access an online survey titled Searching for signs of Endometriosis in the Hawaii female population from either a link (like the one provided in this email) or a QR code. The survey will open and will not request any personal or identifying information. Once you have finished answering the survey questions, the survey will close and your responses will be collected and saved in a password-protected file on a private computer.

With your participation in this survey, you can help contribute to further research on endometriosis. If you are female, not pregnant, and between the ages of 18 and 60, you are eligible to take this survey. No personal information will be requested or released, and your responses will be kept confidential.

Mahalo nui loa for your time and consideration.