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Nine members of our Kapi‘olani CC ‘ohana are celebrating the completion of a year-long professional development experience with the E Ho‘i Nā Wai program. Alongside colleagues from Honolulu CC and Windward CC, members of Papa Kia Kolu, the third cohort of E Ho‘i Nā Wai, shared stories of their journey, mahalos to their kumu Ululani Kahikina, and explanations of their personal kāpala designs at the kīhei ceremony.

Papa Kia Kolu.

Kapi‘olani graduates are pictured from left to right:  Michaelyn Nakoa-Hall, Joy Oehlers, Lani Suzuki-Severa, Robert Harrison, Cary Torres, Lisa Yamamoto. Other graduates who were unable to attend the ceremony: Youxin Zhang, Miki Crutchfield, Jan Fried

Nadine Wolff, a graduate of last year’s cohort, Papa Hoholahāpuʻu, shared compelling personal and professional takeaways from the program as an invited speaker. Chancellor Takabayashi attended in support, along with Erica Dias and Elaina Malm (E Ho‘i Nā Wai Papa Huinawai), and Angela Coloretti McGough, Jamie Sickel, and Aunty Coco Andrade-Fujii (E Ho‘i Nā Wai Papa Hoholahāpuʻu).


🌺 🌺 🌺 Hoʻomaikaʻi iā Papa Kia Kolu – we are so proud of you! 🌺 🌺 🌺