Aloha!, The Kapi‘olani CC Grants Office (KCC GO), would like to remind you about the upcoming information sessions from the Council of American Overseas Research Centers. You may have received a notice about this in May, but we wanted to let you know that one of the sessions (July 7) has already closed. If you’re interested in fully-funded overseas seminars that can help you gain international experience to enhance the courses you teach, please register today.
More information from the post back in May, with links to the registration sites for July 12 and August 28. Mahalo!
The Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) offers faculty development seminars to community college and minority-serving institution (MSI) faculty and administrators. With the reopening of full-fledged international study opportunities, there is an immediate and growing need for US community colleges and minority-serving institutions, like Kapi‘olani, to provide a global perspective to students that will broaden students’ cultural horizons and foster critical thinking, communication, and leadership skills for an increasingly interconnected world.
To this end, CAORC offers fully-funded overseas seminars that help faculty and administrators at US community colleges and minority-serving institutions gain international experience with the aim of developing and improving international courses, curricula, and teaching materials at their home institutions.
Find out more about these seminars at information sessions that will be held on these dates (click on the link to register) These sessions will cover the objectives and structure of the program, how to craft a strong application, and an open Q&A. (All times listed are Hawaiian Standard Time)
July 12, 2023 09:00 AM
August 28, 2023 09:00 AM
If you are interested in other International Study opportunities for your students or yourself, please don’t hesitate to call on either Brandon Marc Higa or Stan Fichtman at KCC GO.