Welcome back faculty!
Faculty Senate Day will be held on Friday, September 6, from 12:00 – 2:00 pm via Zoom. All Senators and FS Subcommittee chairs are expected to attend this event
According to our By-laws and historical precedence, the Faculty Senate schedules this first meeting of the academic year on the second Friday after the fall semester begins. Please block off this time in your schedule and plan to attend. If you cannot attend, notify me (sford@hawaii.edu) and the FS Secretary, Michelle Dela Cruz (mcd88@hawaii.edu), who your proxy will be for the meeting. It is important that all Senators participate in this and all other FS meetings throughout the year to represent their department/ unit.
This initial meeting of the ʻ24-25 academic year is for norming all Senators and subcommittees to the FS Constitution and By-laws, FS meeting procedures, and the agenda and priorities for the ʻ24-25 academic year. We will have one AR to vote on, and we will have at least one new AR to begin discussing for a future vote. I predict that this year will be a very active and dynamic year, as we continue to rebuild and adjust.
Beginning with the October ʻ24 meeting, FS meetings will be held as usual on the first Monday of the month from 12:15-2:30 pm throughout the fall semester.
Iʻm looking forward to working with all returning and new Senators, administration, and the entire campus this academic year.
Shawn Ford
Faculty Senate Chair 2024-25