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The Gilman Scholarship is a key funding opportunity for students participating in outbound study abroad programs. The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program supports students with limited financial resources, enabling them to study or intern abroad.

At Kapi‘olani Community College, faculty and staff have the exciting opportunity to play a crucial role in guiding students toward these transformative scholarships and opportunities. Additionally, they have the unique chance to serve as selection panelists for awarding these funds – a valuable opportunity to deepen understanding of study abroad programs and their impact on students.

Serving as a Gilman Advisor and Selection Panelist also offers several professional benefits:

  • Professional Development: Gain insights to enhance study abroad advising practices on our campus.
  • Recognition: Earn a digital badge to showcase your participation across online platforms.
  • Acknowledgment: Supervisors and campus presidents & chancellors receive letters recognizing your contribution.
  • Networking: Connect with higher education colleagues and international educators from across the U.S.

Interested in becoming a Gilman Scholarship Advisor for Kapi‘olani Community College and serving as a selection panelist?  More details here:  Gilman Selection Panelists

This is an excellent opportunity to support student success while growing professionally and building connections within the international education community.  If you are interested in serving as a selection panelist, the interest form is due by Thursday, February 20th.

Contact the Honda International Center at to become a Gilman Advisor and/or learn more!