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Congratulations & Mahalo ⚡Power Hour⚡ Peeps!

Mahalo nui and ho‘omaika‘i to everyone who attended ⚡Power Hour⚡ this semester! Every Wednesday morning at 8am, individuals showed up, shared their goals, worked in a focused environment toward achieving those goals, and then shared and celebrated their progress and...

Hoʻomaikaʻi iā Papa Kia Kolu! 🌺

Nine members of our Kapi‘olani CC ‘ohana are celebrating the completion of a year-long professional development experience with the E Ho‘i Nā Wai program. Alongside colleagues from Honolulu CC and Windward CC, members of Papa Kia Kolu, the third cohort of E Ho‘i Nā...

Congratulations Nastassja Dinulong!

Congratulations Alpha Kappa Psi chapter President, Nastassja Dinulong! Nastassja Dinulong, Kapi‘olani Community College HOST student, won the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Distinguished Regional Officer award.  In addition to being the Alpha Kappa Psi chapter...