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We’d ❤️ for you to join us February 14!

Don’t miss out! A‘o Day is Friday, February 14, and it’s going to be a highlight of the spring semester! Departments and units will convene for collaborative assessment work in the morning, and engaging, campus-wide events will take place in Lamakū...

💖 Have You RSVP’d Yet?…

Don’t miss out! A‘o Day is Friday, February 14, and it’s going to be a highlight of the spring semester! Departments and units will convene for collaborative assessment work in the morning, and engaging, campus-wide events will take place in Lamakū...

💖 RSVP A‘o Day Feb 14: For the Love of Learning

The Faculty Senate Student Learning Outcomes Assessment (SLOA) Committee is proud to announce that this year’s A‘o Day will be Friday, February 14. This is a day of campus-wide engagement focused on assessment…it will be filled with relevant information,...

💖 RSVP A‘o Day Feb 14: For the Love of Learning

The Faculty Senate Student Learning Outcomes Assessment (SLOA) Committee is proud to announce that this year’s A‘o Day will be Friday, February 14. This is a day of campus-wide engagement focused on assessment…it will be filled with relevant information,...

💖 RSVP A‘o Day Feb 14: For the Love of Learning

The Faculty Senate Student Learning Outcomes Assessment (SLOA) Committee is proud to announce that this year’s A‘o Day will be Friday, February 14. This is a day of campus-wide engagement focused on assessment…it will be filled with relevant information,...