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Ao Day For the Love of Learning.

Join us This Friday, February 14 in the Lamakū Learning Center

Aloha, frolleagues –

This is a friendly reminder that A‘o Day is one week away on Friday, February 14. This is an important day of campus-wide engagement focused on assessment for continuous improvement of teaching and learning.

We hope you will join us for this campus-wide event in Lamakū Learning Center (upstairs Lama Library) for important and exciting on Lamakū assessment features, engaging and relevant professional development activites, an enlightening student panel, and homemade pastries made with love by Chef Dan Wetter and pupus and beverages kindly supported by the Chancellor.

View the A‘o Day Schedule   |  Register for A‘o Day

Your RSVP is greatly appreciated for planning purposes 💕

We look forward to engaging with you!
Your friendly Faculty Senate SLOA Committee