Kapi‘olani is poised to begin the compilation of an institutional self-evaluation report (ISER) in preparation for an accreditation site visit, scheduled for Fall 2025. Changes in the review process dictate that our report be ready for submission to ACCJC in December 2024. ISER preparation requires faculty, staff, and students who are willing to research, read , and write about the College and, based on those findings, evaluate whether the College meets established ACCJC standards.

In short, ISER preparation needs you.

What’s in it for you?

All those who participate in creating the ISER will benefit. You will deepen relationships with familiar colleagues and develop new relationships with colleagues outside the usual departmental or unit interactions as you work together. If you are a junior faculty member, you will learn more about the institution and contribute institutional service. For more senior faculty, participation in ISER preparation affords you an opportunity to provide and model institution-wide leadership. Staff who participate contribute critical expertise in the College’s administrative and institutional support processes.

Please fill out this survey by October 24 to let us know your interest in assisting with ISER preparation. If you are interested in contributing to the ISER process, you are hereby invited to attend the ACCJC training on October 28. Lunch will be served at 12:00 in Ka ‘Ikena in the ‘Ohelo Building, followed by the training with Dr. Catherine Webb, our liaison at ACCJC. The training is scheduled to end at 4:00 pm.