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Applications are now being accepted
for the Student Equality Excellence Diversity (SEED) program
(formerly known as “the Diversity and Equity Initiative Award)

FALL 2023 DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 8, 2023 – Make your internal deadline by September 5 to make the deadline! 
As you may have received on Monday the 14th,  from the UH Student Equity Excellence and Diversity office, the SEED program is accepting applications for SEED IDEAS, Fall semester 2023. The IDEAS grant can provide funding for initiatives that support a diverse and inclusive environment at the University of Hawaiʻi. Any of the UH campuses are eligible to apply.

Who can apply? The SEED IDEAS is open to all ten University of Hawaiʻi campuses.
Faculty, staff, or an organization submitting a proposal must have UH department sponsorship and a university fiscal officer to assist with the disbursement of the award. Proposals that partner with other UH campuses are encouraged.
SEED awards can fund the following

  • Honorarium
  • Travel for speakers, trainers, performance artists
  • Lodging
  • Printing and supply costs
  • Rental for venues or equipment
  • Administrative support to initiate the project

What SEED IDEAS cannot fund?

  • Travel for faculty or students to the mainland
  • Food for events
  • Leis and flowers
  • Overload for faculty
  • Computers, digital cameras, or printers

HOW TO APPLY  You’ll need these three items (hyperlinked to the documents)

Tip #1 – Include the # of Kapi‘olani students that will benefit from the project. These grant funds are provided through student fees and should therefore benefit students directly (i.e., the target audience should not be only community members) Funding requests should be well supported by data on the specific number of students who will benefit from the project. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness for data on the number of students the proposed project will support. Institutional reports and other useful information is available at the OFIE website –
Tip #2 – Contact your department chair if you’re interested in applying. Internal reviews are recommended to be completed by September 5, to allow for enough time for the required signatures from your department chair/dean and the fiscal officer.
Tip #3 – Partner with other UHCC campuses to maximize your impact. IDEAS Award reviewers appreciate proposals that have a maximum impact on students. Consider partnering with colleagues at other campuses if collaborative activities align with your proposed project.

Applicants are welcome to contact the Grants Office for a preliminary proposal review by e-mailing