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Empower, the Administrator for the State’s Deferred Compensation Plan (a.k.a. Island $avings Plan) continues to host a series of virtual webinars every Wednesday from noon – 12:45 p.m. open to all eligible state employees to attend on their lunch break.  There will be no webinars held on November 27 and December 25.
Each month features a specific topic related to retirement planning. The webinars for the months of October to December are as follows:
  • December:  Getting to Know Your Roth Option
The following link will open a flyer with the schedule, webinar information and links to register:  The flyer is also posted on OHR’s 457(b) Island Savings Plan  webpage in the Education & Workshops section or on the Island $avings Plan website, click on Webinars under the Learning Center pull-down list at the top right of the webpage.
If you have any questions about the 457(b) pla, click on Meet Your Retirement Plan Advisors from the Island $avings Plan.