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Reminder! The 2024 Hawai‘i Student Success Institute (HISSI) is scheduled for Friday, March 8, 2024, at the Hawai‘i Convention Center and is open to administrators, faculty and staff from all areas of the UH Community Colleges.

Please click this link to submit a presentation proposal. DEADLINE TO SUBMIT PROPOSALS: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22 BY 4:30 pm (extended!)


This year’s theme, Building Dreams, Strengthening Communities: 60 Years of Hawaii Community Colleges, celebrates our 60th anniversary and recognizes the positive impact we have had in our local communities and the state. The UHCC are uniquely positioned to help our community and state economy with an emphasis on higher education and workforce training for our students. With that in mind, HISSI 2024 is open to a variety of presentations that will appeal to the broad sectors of the University of Hawai’i Community Colleges. Target audiences include: executives/managers, faculty/lecturers, APT (Administrative, Professional and Technical), Civil Service (white and blue collar), and others.


If you are interested in leading a cross-campus discipline, program, employee group or special topic discussion (e.g., OER, English, Financial Aid), please complete the proposal form with your contact information.

  • Presentations will be 50 minutes or 75 minutes in length. Total time includes question and answer period.
  • Presenters should anticipate an audience size of about 40 participants.
  • Priority consideration for presentations that: 1) include interactive components, engaging activities, and audience participation, 2) trending topics, and 3) topics to appeal to target audiences (noted in the application below).
  • All presenters must be registered for the 2024 Hawai’i Student Success Institute.
  • Proposals will be reviewed and presenters will be notified of selection and assigned time slots via email by Friday, January 26, 2024.