The Faculty Senate Student Learning Outcomes Assessment (SLOA) Committee is proud to announce that this year’s A‘o Day will be Friday, February 14. This is a day of campus-wide engagement focused on assessment…it will be filled with relevant information, engaging experiences, meaningful student insights, connections with colleagues, and some serious fun to wrap up your week, highlight your Valentine’s Day, and kick start your long weekend!

Departments and units will convene for collaborative assessment work in the morning, and engaging, campus-wide events will take place in LamakūLearning Center with homemade pastries generously provided by Chef Dan Wetter (he is making them with love just for us! 😋) as well as pupus and beverages kindly supported by the Chancellor.

View the A‘o Day Schedule   

Register for A‘o Day

Your RSVP is greatly appreciated for planning purposes 💕

We look forward to engaging with you!
Your friendly Faculty Senate SLOA Committee