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Now that you’re fully into LamakÅ«, encountering and exploring its various affordances and constraints as you teach, you may find that you have feedback, suggestions, or ideas for new tools or enhanced features…there are a few productive channels through which you can share these!

💡 Ideas for New Tools:
Because Lamakū is an enterprise LMS (Brightspace) and the company that develops and maintains it (D2L) is not in-house, ITS cannot add completely new tools or features. However, D2L is very open to suggestions for changes, and ideas for completely new tools or features are encouraged and can be submitted via the Brightspace Product Idea Exchange (PIE).

Personal Note: I know with feedback forms for some products and companies it can sometimes feel like you’re sending your ideas into the abyss, but Brightspace really does collect this input for prioritization and action, so while not every suggestion can be addressed, these submissions really don’t fall on deaf ears!

Side Note: There will be a PIE station present at the Kōkua Korner as part of Lamakū @ HISSI, so feel free to swing by next Friday and share your ideas and suggestions there to have them submitted to D2L!

💡 Suggestions/Requests for Existing Features:
For suggestions or requests about pre-existing tools/features for which ITS might be able to control/alter the settings, you can find a LamakÅ« Feedback and Recommendations Form at the bottom of the LamakÅ« sign-in screen.Â