ALOHA E Institute.

Friday, August 9,  9am-2pm at Chaminade University Honolulu

We are stoked to announce that this year, the ALOHA E Institute will be merging with Kapi‘olani Summer Camp to become ALOHA E Friday 🎉 Here’s what’s new this summer…

In the previous three years, participants have had to select one of three separate tracks: Active Learning (AL), Online Hui (OH), and ‘Āina-based Education (AE). This year, our theme is Review, Reflect, Reconnect, and all ALOHA E participants will be engaging in discussions across all three focus areas. This new format will allow us to welcome back anyone who has participated in previous ALOHA E Institutes as well as new colleagues who may have found us just this year.

Hui KamaÊ»ilio means coming together to talk story, and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing on ALOHA E Friday. Participants will attend three sessions in an unconference-like structure around each ALOHA E theme. Facilitators will focus discussions through prompting questions around hot topics, current trends, etc. in each focus area to keep things flexible, novel, and responsive, thus allowing discourse to naturally take shape around the concerns, expertise, and interests of each group. You do not need to be an expert in any of the theme areas – just come ready to engage!


Instead of a full week of online ALOHA E Institute sessions, participants will be invited to attend any sessions they find interesting at Kapi‘olani Summer Camp Monday, Aug 5 – Thursday, Aug 8. (A call for proposals will be coming soon if you’re interested in presenting at Summer Camp, and registration info for this completely free event will also be coming to your inbox once the program has been prepared). While you are welcomed and encouraged to engage in as many of the online Summer Camp PD sessions as you like, you are not at all obligated to attend.

The final day of Summer Camp, which has typically been in person the past few years, will now be ALOHA E Friday! Those wishing to participate in ALOHA E Friday will be expected to engage in a day of professional development on Friday, Aug 9 from 9am – 2:00pm at the Chaminade University of Honolulu campus. Lunch will be provided.




This is a preview of the day’s schedule where Sessions 1,2, and 3 will be engaging in discourse around the focus areas of ALOHA E: Active Learning (AL), Online Hui (OH), and ‘Āina-based Education (AE)

$300 Stipend for Completion

Participants who register and engage in the full day’s event will receive $300, funded by a collaborative Title III grant and a certificate of engagement for your dossier. There are no deliverables to complete this year – simply join us for engaging conversations around these three topics and their implications for teaching and learning!

All faculty and lecturers are welcome to apply. The application will be open to Kapi‘olani and Chaminade faculty exclusively through May 5; if spaces remain available, the application will open to other UHCC campuses through the final application deadline of June 7. We will notify you of your acceptance and follow up with further details after the final application deadline. Participation is capped at 60 individuals; after this, registrants will be waitlisted.


For our colleagues who are not on O‘ahu but wish to join us for ALOHA E Friday, we do have Title III funding available for transportation. Please indicate your need via the travel request form after completing your registration.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jamie Sickel (

free pd.
Looking for free professional development for Kapi‘olani CC faculty and staff? Visit the A‘o at Kapi‘olani Continuous Improvement page! The A‘o at Kapi‘olani site is a robust resource site for those planning, developing, and continuously improving teaching and learning experiences at KCC…check it out! 🤓