Ka’ie’ie is a degree pathway transfer program with the University of Hawai’i at MÄnoa (UHM).
Wednesday, March 12,Ā (11:00 am -12:00 am)
Tuesday, April 1, (12:15 pm – 1:15 pm)
Join Zoom Meeting
Passcode: Transfer
More Info:
- It is a dual-admission, dual-enrollment program for students who would like to pursue a four-year undergraduate degree but choose to begin their degree at Kapi’olani Community College.
- As a Kaāieāie student, you are admitted to the University of Hawaiāi at MÄnoa and take all your courses at Kapiāolani Community College until you are ready to transfer smoothly and successfully to UHM.
- Kaāieāie students will easily be able to access resources and academic advising at both institutions.
- The main goal of Kaāieāie is to help students graduate with a bachelorās degree within as close as possible to a total of four years (or the equivalent in part-time attendance)
- Come and learn about the program and application process.
- No sign-up required for the workshop.
Joseph Yoshida (MKC Counselor)
Maida Kamber Center for Career Exploration, Transfer & Graduation Services
Kapi`olani Community College
Email:Ā josephdy@hawaii.edu
Shauna Sibonga (KaŹ»ieŹ»ie Program & Transfer Advisor)
Manoa Transfer Coordination Center – http://manoa.hawaii.edu/undergrad/transfer/contact-us
Email:Ā shaunaks@hawaii.eduĀ
Workshops in partnership with our Maida Kamber Center (MKC)
For more information and workshops, visit the SOS WebsiteĀ
Thank you
SOS Coordinator: Guy Inaba
(808) 734-9206mkc