The Laulima Upgrade was completed by UH ITS on December 27. The upgrade has yielded some additional options for some tools and more user-friendly interfaces, but no major changes to the overall functionality of Laulima.

This Laulima v21 Upgrade Features (Faculty Resource) documents the changes you will find. There will be a system-wide webinar covering the updates on Jan 6 at 10:00 am. If interested, you can register here (and if you can’t make it, you’ll still get access to the recording).


There are a few notable changes for faculty who are currently prepping their courses:


Name Change: “Forums” is now called “Discussions”…but you can change it back
The Forums tool has been renamed to “Discussions.” The functionality is still the same, but if you’re someone who has utilized Forums in your classes and referenced them as such throughout your syllabi, lesson plans, and other class information/resources, you may find it preferable to simply rename the tool back to “Forums” en lieu of updating the name of this tool throughout all of your resources. You can do this using the Tool Order view. Here’s a quick walkthrough on how to accomplish this.


If you’re using custom CSS…
If you are using customized CSS to tailor the look of your Laulima lessons pages (e.g., from the Laulima Course Framework or Extreme Makeover: Laulima Edition), you may find that the look or layout of your lessons has been altered a bit. I have updated the CSS in both of these resources to work with the upgraded version of Laulima. You can download the CSS for the Course Framework here: default.css Updated CSS for the Extreme Makeover: Laulima Edition themes can be downloaded directly from the site and will be sent directly to anyone already registered (link to register). You can simply replace your current CSS with these new files. Here is a quick walkthrough on how to do this. If you have any questions about these custom CSS resources, please feel free to reach out to Jamie Sickel at


24/7/365 Laulima Technical Support
All technical support questions for Laulima are best fielded by our UH ITS Help Desk, which is staffed 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year – please don’t hesitate to reach out to them!